
Chivalric Questions

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Charny's Questions on War, #37

Faithful readers know I am interested in Charny's Questions on the Joust, Tournaments and War. For newcomers, these are cases put forward by a mid-14th century French knight for his peers to debate. The unifying theme of the vast majority is how would the law of arms, the rules and customs that regulated respectable fighting men, apply to a possible dispute.

Unfortunately for us, we don't have Charny's answers.

I'd certainly love to have an answer to this one:

37. Charny asks:

Since I have heard it said that one is able to leave and retreat from a battle from the defeated side, if he has acted in seven ways (manieres) without being killed or taken, without being reproached. How can this be and what are the seven ways?

Your suggestions are welcome.


  1. Anonymous2:04 pm

    1. After being seriously wounded.
    2. Ordered from the battle by higher authority.
    3. Irretrieveably cutoff from the defeated body--such as by a broken bridge or collapsed gate.
    4. Nightfall.
    5. After being disarmed and captured but capturer abandons his prisoner or is killed.

  2. 1) He fights bravely and well until the day is clearly lost.
    2) He does not retreat until either ordered to do so by his commander, or until so many of his companions have retreated that he will be overwhelmed if he fights on.
    3) He retreats in good order, remaining with those of his his companions who are doing likewise
    4) He continues to strike back at his pursuers when he has opportunity.
    5) He takes any reasonable opportunity to aid and support his lord
    6) And likewise his companions
    7) And likewise the banner of his company
