
Chivalric Questions

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Military Orders: From the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Centuries, by Alan Forey

This book (without an image on Amazon) is a straightforward brief comparative study of the early Crusading orders, Templars, Hospitilars, Teutonic Knights, and a number of others.

On pages 47-8, I was quite taken by references to peoples and regions of northern Europe I'd never heard of:

Ungannia, Wierland, Warbolians, Warmia, Nattangia, and Bartia.

I found online references to all but the Warbolians.

I offer this list to you for your own amusement.

Image: Fearsome Templars.


  1. Anonymous3:28 pm

    Are Warbolians perhaps from Varbola, Estonia?

  2. This makes sense, because all the other references are either to Estonia or Prussia.

  3. Anonymous11:19 am

    4 first names are real places on Estonian territory
    Ungannia = Ugandi region
    Wierland = Virumaa region
    warbolians - people from Varbola region/castle
    Warmia = Harrien= Harju

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