Are we really up to 2008-9?
Soon enough, I guess.
My schedule for next year is not absolutely guaranteed, but it seems very likely that I will be teaching the following 3 courses:
HIST 3805 (formerly 2805), History of Islamic Civilization: A year-long course that discusses the interaction of Islam and world history. Not primarily a course on religion, and not entirely devoted to the Middle East.
HIST 3116 (a special topics designation), Crusade and Jihad: a semester course focusing on the crusade to Jerusalem and the Muslim response. I'm still figuring out the parameters of this course.
HIST 4505, Topics in Medieval History: a year-long seminar for 4th year students on chivalry. Click on the labels for "chivalry" and "Chivalry seminar 2006-7" below, or the chivalry links to the right, for material I posted the last time around.
Image: The Accolade, Edmund Blair Leighton. Knighthood as it should have been?
I wish I was still in my undergrad, Crusades and Jihad sounds like a great course!