
Chivalric Questions

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Crusade and Jihad: the preliminaries

Next fall I will be teaching HIST 3116, listed in Nipissing University's calendar as a "topics" course, as a course on crusade and jihad in the medieval Middle East. I bet not one of the 30-some students who are already signed up for this course is thinking about it now, but I have to or there is no course -- I'd never done it before.

I have made a little progress, in that I have finally chosen, after much thought, what books we are going to use. They are now listed at my academic homepage, along with the required books for my other two courses.

I am also searching the web for pictorial resources. I've become quite a fan of visual aids, something than the old days was rather scorned by most humanities teachers, I think. (My feeling is that since pictures were hard to get and inconvenient to organize and project, those of us who were not archaeologists pretended it didn't matter.)

Anyway, in the course of my search, Skip Knox, who has long taught a course on the Crusades, pointed me to his virtual pilgrimage site. If you are a student or just curious about the Crusades, you might take a look.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:12 pm

    Thanks for posting the required texts for the F/W term. I look forward to reading them during the summer. See you in class.
