
Chivalric Questions

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Walter Goffart on Rome and the Barbarians: an interview at Kalamazoo, May, 2009

Walter Goffart, now of Yale but formerly of the University of Toronto, is one of the most influential historians of the late Roman Empire and early medieval Europe. Much of his work has been shaped by skepticism that the barbarians were capable or even interested in destroying the Empire by military force. At this year's International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Peter Konieczny of interviewed Goffart about his ideas about the Early Middle Ages.

There are three other Kalamazoo interviews, with the military historians Kelly DeVries, John France, and Donald Kagay, and Thomas Bisson, also linked to the main page.


  1. And we still have a few more interviews to post, as soon as I can get around to getting them online! Thanks for posting this.

  2. good and interesting interview
