
Chivalric Questions

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Name this country! A not very lighthearted quiz

 There is a large country, formerly considered relatively advanced, which finds itself in terrible trouble.

Here's a sort of quiz, compiled from the CBC.

Doctors dying

Among health care workers, the toll has been so high over the past fortnight or so that colleagues have started compiling the names of the dead on an online memorial page — 74 names as of Tuesday night and growing. 
Among them was N******L******, who headed up medical services at Russia's cosmonaut training centre outside Moscow. She allegedly died after falling out a window — a fate that has become strikingly common over the years for those who either disapprove of or disappoint Russian authorities.
Independent R******media reported L****** may have committed suicide after being blamed for letting the coronavirus spread throughout the facility.
Another may also have tried to take her life by similarly jumping out of a fifth-storey window at her workplace in S******
Local media reported that Y***** N********* was blamed by authorities for an outbreak of the virus. She survived but is in critical condition.

Economic disaster and saving money for "Legacy projects."

G***** (an opposition politician) is calling on the P**** administration to release some of the money in R****'s huge sovereign wealth fund, which holds more than $150 billion US.

"He doesn't want to spend this reserve fund," G***** told CBC News."P**** needs the money to maintain the 'P**** forever' model," a reference to the R***** leader's attempts to change the constitution to allow him to serve two more terms as president.

G****** says Putin has a long list of "legacy projects" he wants built, and spending money on direct payments to people will deplete the funds for that.

But frustration is growing, as jobs dry up and the Kremlin  (HINT, HINT) offers people little in return, G***** says.
"If there is a choice to die from hunger or the virus, it's better to die from the virus."

Our prizewinning country is 


And informed observers say it is

'Very scary' for the government

Not to mention the rest of us.

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