The tournament assembled,
And none that had ever gone before
resembled this,
nor ever before were so many blades and shafts
put into serviced in a single day,
for matters were so arranged
that the winner of a challenge took all,
so that each man was looking out for his own fame and glory.
The opening contests lasted a short time.
The large companies and battalions
came together savagely
and with great ostentation,
neither side fearing the other in the least.
When the companies clashed,
the crush of battle was on such a scale
that the field was soon so covered
with lances and splinters
that there was not so much as a way through
to spur on their horses
without being encumbered.
The tournament was a fully-pitched battle,
and was there a better seen.
In many spots there were skirmishes,
and the land around was so drowned by the sound of lance and
sword, and of helmets resounding
from the hefty blows meted out by both sides
that any man present would not have heard
God thundering, assuming that He had,
nor been aware of it;
there were no weaklings on that field.
The count of Saint-Pol was taken there
by the bridle of his horse,
but the worthy Marshal,
like the valiant knight he was, rescued him
from the hands of seven and more who were striving
to do him injury and were leading him away.
On that field the cowards stayed behind.
There you would have seen many a banner
soiled in the mud and trampled on,
and many a knight trampled on too
when they were knocked to the ground.
But the saying used to go that
the brave and the valiant are to be sought
often between the hooves of horses,
for never will cowards fall down there,
never will they so hate their lives
as to be willing to join the fray;
they take care not to do themselves injury,
they have no wish to get involved in that.
There you would have seen knights taken and horses won and lost.
Any man who was able to take another man's bridle
strove with might and main to hold on to him,
and the other did just as much to stave him off,
to join battle with him and defend himself.
At that point, any man wishing to separate the two
by negotiation would have had little success,
for words would have been no use whatever.
To sum up, so much I will say,
that on that day so many feats of arms were performed
that it was a true marvel;
indeed, all marvelled
where so many excellent knights had come from
to sustain such a tournament.
But it was a well known fact,
and plain for all to see,
that on that day the Marshal
performed many more feats of arms by far in combat
than any other man who had come there.
No matter how many of them were amassed, as soon as he launched himself into the fray,
he overwhelmed them
so with mighty blows
that they all withdrew.
Image: William Marshal in action, as drawn by Matthew Paris (13th c.)
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