Friday, September 05, 2008

The Face

I remarked some weeks ago about the amazing things Kenneth Branagh does with his "ordinary English face." What about the late Alec Guinness, seen above as the spy George Smiley in the brilliant 6-part series Smiley's People (1982)? Smiley, appropriately given his profession, is a character who defies characterization, and Guinness evoked that and the whole secret world of spies by doing very little with his face except look out of it. Oh, but look out of it he surely did!

I should say that just about everyone else was just about as good.

Find Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and Smiley's People and view them over a week for a matchless cinematic experience. Don't frustrate yourself trying to follow the plot -- you'll probably get it all in the end. Just soak in it.

1 comment:

  1. Good choices! And look for a young Patrick Stewart as a silent Karla....steals the scene almost from Sir Alec without a single line.
