Monday, September 06, 2010

Notes and pictures from L'anse aux Meadows, August 2010

Darrell Markewitz, the leader of the DARC Reenactment last month at L'Anse aux Meadows in northern Newfoundland -- a re-creation of activities at the Vinland Viking landing site now commemorated by a national historical park -- Darrell, I say, has posted pictures and notes at his blog, Hammered Out Bits which will give you some idea of the site, the landscape, and the activities.   Here are three pictures to tempt you to go see the rest.


  1. It's nice to see L'Anse aux Meadows continuing to be a place for reenactment and research. In recent years, I've heard people sneer at the idea of the Norse reaching the tip of North America as "revisionist history" (yes, I know), so I've worried that maybe the big Viking Millennium celebration in 2000 hadn't made a big enough impression on the non-medieval-minded public. Publicizing events like this will, I hope, help the general public catch up with scholarly discoveries.

  2. Kudos to D.A.R.C, the best "history", like a good scientific experiment, should be capable of being duplicated.
