Saturday, October 01, 2011

Ontario election trivia--UFO and NOHP

Early in the 20th century, Ontario was governed by the UFO -- United Farmers of Ontario.  Such a party would be a non-starter today.

Another probable non-starter is the Northern Ontario Heritage Party, which wants provincial status for the North.  NOHP can't field candidates for more than 2 of the 11 northern ridings -- but somehow has a candidate in downtown Toronto.  So if you live in the St. Paul riding and want to cast a real protest vote, NOHP is available...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:19 pm

    What a geographically dysfunctional political system Ontario has! A political party that can only get a spattering of seats outside of two major urban areas (only a paltry four seats north of the GTA region) controls the whole province. (A province larger in area, than the country of France!)

    Perhaps it really is time that Toronto and Ottawa become separate political jurisdictions (city-states?) This would give the rest of the province the stronger political voice that it so desires but will NEVER receive under the present ‘duo city-centric’ configured political system. Just look at the electoral ‘colour’ map of Ontario! It displays the geographical absurdity of the ‘new’ political structure of Ontario. It is almost embarrassing!

    Obviously, the mass of the population of Ontario resides in urban centres. However, the political concerns of the two largest cities are not the same political concerns that the rest of smaller town, rural and Northern Ontario citizens have (as is so aptly displayed by the aforementioned ‘colour’ map). In particular, how can the North ever have true sovereignty, when essentially just two cities (hundreds if not a thousand kilometres away) perpetually ‘call the shots’?

    Is it time to go back to the past (1977) and for Northerners to again consider the Northern Ontario Heritage Party? The party wants a better deal for Northern Ontario and ultimately ‘sovereignty’ and/or provincial status for the North! The North deserves better representation than to be run by the out of touch urban ‘elites’ of Toronto and Ottawa.

    Viva la Independence of du Nord!
