In my tiny audience on Wednesday was Prof. Cory Foisy-Holm, who knew he'd heard this story somewhere else, but in a different form. After mulling it over for a while he came up with the reference: there's a Russian painting of 1790, seen above (or here if you don't see it) that shows a young prince cutting the Gordian knot. Here's what Prof. Foisy-Holm said about it:
[The Empress] Catherine [the Great], having a long-standing enmity with her own son Pavel/Paul, was preparing the ground for her grandchildren [who were Pavel's sons], Aleksandr or Konstantin, to succeed her in Pavel's stead. She was aRoyal power, which presents itself as superhuman, needs to be based on such stories of prophecy and divine favor, and the good royal myths-- the ones that are satisfying as stories -- are used again and again.
consummate propagandist, arguably one of Russia's best to that time--and the
painting, in many ways, reflects a point you were discussing in your lecture
regarding the manufacturing of the myth of greatness before anything
'myth-worthy' has been accomplished. In any case, Aleksandr is the child on
the left about to shear the Gordian Knot.
The curious may cruise the web and find Gordian knots, solutions to untie Gordian knots, and even a dress inspired by the knot.
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