Wednesday, March 05, 2025

China Day at Muhlberger's World History

The most interesting posts I have read so far today are both about China, a "world in itself." Fun and wonder: China Talk brings you China's Best Music of 2024 . It's a small selection by Jake Newby, who writes on Chinese music in a substack, of what is a tiny sample of what is obviously a very diverse and energetic music scene. Well, with a population of 1.4 billion and millenia of musical cultural, you might expect some good stuff. Well, without a maniacal dictator who thinks that the routine cure for all social ills is killing, by the millions,anyone who steps out of line, or send them to work in the fields, a lot of good stufff is being produced. Note that even with a milder dictatorship "the authorities" still interfere. But have fun with this, which shows that current Chinese musicians can do anything, in any genre.

Another perspective on Chinese culture is provided by Noah Smith in Is China inventing big important things?/ Noah has good ideas and writes well. Find him at

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